Excel – Managing performance

Ensure your team Excel….

Leadership is about delivering results through others, but it can be hard to ensure that we effectively manage performance and help people grow.

Our Excel program is a 11 week blended program that teaches you the same processes, skills and approaches that ethree uses to help enable performance. From understanding what drives performance, to setting clear expectations, to giving feedback and more, Excel covers all the elements that will help you ensure your team performs.


Excel Participant

“The course is fantastic. I like being able to pause, play and rewind!   The content is easily digestible, I love the prompts to relate it back to your workplace and it has a really good flow. I have done a lot of self-directed courses throughout my education and this one was really great, easy to follow, and well thought out.  I’d recommend it to anyone looking to improve how they manage performance.”

Nicole Bishop

Looking for more information?

Enter your name and email for our brochure:

Excel Now!

Register now for this course tailored to leaders by filling in the form here.  Participation is $1495.00+ HST per person.  You can register individually or you can register a group.  For more information on group enrolment and potential group discounts, get in touch at [email protected]  or 709 437 4300.

Are you an employee and are you looking to manage your performance? We have a short course series tailored to employees who want to own their performance. Click here to learn more.

Let’s Get Started

      How the program works

      Each week the participants will complete a self-directed online module that covers the core concepts of the program.  Then, participants will take part in a webinar with an experienced leader and facilitator who will reinforce learning, answer any questions, and practice applying the concepts from that module with the whole group.

      Over the duration of the program, there are course check ins and knowledge to make sure participants are getting to grips with the content and able to apply it in practice.

      We keep group sizes small so that the group can interact and learn from one another and there is plenty of space for questions, discussion and individual feedback.

      Time commitment

      Participants should expect to spend about 2.5 hours a week in learning; 90 minutes a week completing the online module, and an hour of participation in the weekly webinar.

      Each month participants will have a check in and knowledge check quiz to complete so we can make sure the learning is sticking.   To pass, participants must attend 80% of the program, and achieve 80% in the knowledge check quizzes.


      Full Course Outline / Syllabus

      Module 1


      This module provides an overview or program content, outlines expectations, and provides guidance on how the site works.

      Module 2

      Understanding Performance

      We start by defining the fundamentals. We’ll look at what we mean by ‘performance’, the importance of managing performance, and the elements that people need to successfully and sustainably perform.

      Module 3

      Setting Expectations

      Great performance comes from a place of clear expectations. In this module we look at the importance of setting expectations and the tools and strategies you can use to clarify goals and standards.

      Module 4

      Understanding Motivation

      In this module we look at Buy-In, a critical component in performance. We identify different types of motivation and different strategies to help increase someone's motivation level.

      Module 5

      Communicating Effectively

      Being able to communicate well is the bedrock of performance, especially when it comes to those accountability conversations. In this module we look at the essentials for effective communication.

      Module 6

      Performance Check-Ins

      What gets measured gets managed. In module 5 we will look at the purpose of a check-in, what to cover to make them effective, and how to handle different scenarios that may come up during a check in.

      Module 7

      Giving Feedback

      This module will walk participants through normalizing feedback with employees on addressing performance concerns through successful feedback conversations.

      Module 8

      Effective Performance Reviews

      Performance reviews are an important part of the performanceprocess. Inthismodulewe’llexplore how to effectively prepare, manage and follow up on performance reviews.

      Module 9

      Sustaining Performance

      What gets rewarded gets repeated! In the last module, we explore how leaders can work to effectively sustain their employees’ performance through reward and development.

      Module 10

      Action Planning and Next Steps

      The last module of the serious summarises key learning and has the individual look at how they will will apply what they've learned, and what they can continue to focus on for the next 6 months to continue their development.



      with Jess Chapman

      Check out our new podcast ‘Unlocking Your People’ for valuable & practical tips on handling the tough people stuff..

      Listen Now